Conference in Honour of the 60th birthday of Adam Parusiński
29 Apr-3 May 2019 Cargèse (France)

AP60 : Real and complex singularities in Cargèse

The conference will take place at the Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse.

The participants are welcome from Sunday, April 28 in the afternoon to Saturday, May 4 in the morning.

The organization will be able to take charge of the accommodation of very few participants (some funding applications are in progress), in priority the youngest participants.

A location will be dedicated to display posters. Please, send an e-mail to the organizers at ap60[ατ] if you are interested.



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Scientific committee:

- Edward Bierstone, University of Toronto

- Michel Coste, Rennes 1 University

- Michel Merle, Nice Sophia Antipolis University

- Tadeusz Mostowski, Warsaw University


Organizing committee:

- Jean-Baptiste Campesato, University of Toronto

- Goulwen Fichou, Rennes 1 University

- Yacoub Moine, Nouakchott University


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