The conference will take place at the Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse.
The participants are welcome from Sunday, April 28 in the afternoon to Saturday, May 4 in the morning.
The organization will be able to take charge of the accommodation of very few participants (some funding applications are in progress), in priority the youngest participants.
A location will be dedicated to display posters. Please, send an e-mail to the organizers at ap60[ατ] if you are interested.
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Scientific committee:
- Edward Bierstone, University of Toronto
- Michel Coste, Rennes 1 University
- Michel Merle, Nice Sophia Antipolis University
- Tadeusz Mostowski, Warsaw University
Organizing committee:
- Jean-Baptiste Campesato, University of Toronto
- Goulwen Fichou, Rennes 1 University
- Yacoub Moine, Nouakchott University